As the Rio Olympics are close, I thought it’ll be a good time to have a word about sports. We all know that the modern Olympic games are based on the ancient Greek version. The ancient games were the earliest known sporting events created by mankind in an effort to unite the people. Through athletic competition, the games would give neighboring nations a chance to suspend their conflicts, albeit temporarily. Frankly, to be able to establish and respect a truce in the spirit of games is no ordinary feat of civilization. But why did I bring this up? Today, I would like to introduce a platform that is built on the same ideals that resonated through the participants of the Olympics in ancient Greece. It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I announce to be open for BETA.

Introducing Shockfruit.. from Shockfruit on Vimeo.

What is it?

Clearly, not many of us give up so much for sports these days. It has become a highly commercial industry. But the passion remains the same. Magic still happens in the playing field. The fact remains that the human endeavor to achieve perfection is incomplete without sports. ShockfruitBETA is simply here to acknowledge the talent of the countless professionals, organizations and businesses who work so hard to improve the standards of sports and sportsmanship.

How do you use it?

This platform is built to give support to the global sports infrastructure by connecting everyone. Its new and by telling you exactly how to use it, we will only limit its potential. Quite frankly, I don’t know, just like Ray Kinsella in Field of Dreams. All I can tell you is is that it came as an idea and I spent last 2 years building it. Now it’s in open BETA and you can sign in to see how you can use it for your sports career. Businesses will find it of particular interest as the platform has features that allow you to seek the right talent in sports industry and also offer your services to organizations and individuals. Something told me that you’ll need a lot of B2B interaction. So, ShockfruitBETA gives you that opportunity. If you are a sports corporate like an association or a governing body, I had a voice telling me that this platform will “ease your pain”. Since I could identify three distinct users of the platform, I’ve created three different account types. Now you’ve to see what fits you.

What’s all this about ‘fair game’

The significance of sports and games in life cannot be underplayed. In the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, all major events were marked by a display of abilities in either sports or games. While fair play led to great achievements, cheating only ended in a devastation. That exhibits the importance of maintaining fairness in sports. ShockfruitBETA is an effort in this direction. We believe that this platform will bring fair opportunity and transparency to the entire sports community in this time of scandals and scams.

What to expect in future

We are not in a hurry to change things. One of the main reasons that we took more than 2 years to release the BETA is that we want to see it evolve organically. The platform is designed keeping sports related job opportunities and business utilities. You can expect that in near future we will bring more refinement in the way that purpose is fulfilled. We will stay focused on that goal. We love technology, so if anyone wants to work with us in developing the platform further, they are welcome. We are looking forward to reaching out to local sports communities and facilitating sports based education. If anyone has any suggestions on how to do that, we’ll really appreciate it. Just write to me on

Welcome to the arena: Introducing Shockfruit

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